West Hollywood celebrates high court’s rulings on gay marriage

He said coming out to his wife was one of the most difficult things he’s ever done. “To know that as a gay man I can get married again I’m happy,” Barnes said. “When I find that person, maybe this time it will stick. It’s about love now and nothing else.” A short distance away at City Hall, the air was also festive. “We won on a technicality,” Councilman John Duran acknowledged.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jun/26/local/la-me-gay-marriage-weho-20130627

TheWrap’s Inaugural Innovators List: 12 Who Are Changing Hollywood

Baler had to change his tie, his friend Caroline Johnson said, but was standing before the bench as actors Robert Downey Jr. and David Krumholtz filmed scenes with a cast of extras. Warner Bros. took over two courtrooms on the third floor of the courthouse for filming, using the corner Superior Court courtroom for action and nearby Courtroom A for props and monitors.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.wickedlocal.com/plymouth/news/x208441017/Hollywood-crew-films-movie-at-the-Plymouth-Trial-Court

Hollywood crew films movie at the Plymouth Trial Court

1. JASON BLUM Founder, Blumhouse Productions With each new micro-budget hit, Jason Blum is upending the way movies are made, emphasizing thrift in exchange for artistic freedom and greater profits. He first caught Hollywood’s attention in 2009 with “Paranormal Activity,” which cost a mere $15,000 to produce and made an astounding $193.3 million globally. Then he proved that wasn’t an anomaly with films like “Insidious” and this summer’s “The Purge,” which earned back their bargain-basement budgets tenfold thanks to fresh spins on familiar bogeymen like ghosts or home invaders. See photos: 12 Innovators Changing Hollywood “We can take risks that we wouldn’t be allowed if these were traditional studio films,” Blum told TheWrap, noting that actors, directors and producers on his films work for scale in return for getting a bigger cut of a picture’s back-end. His reward is a first-look distribution deal at Universal — but he has no plans to mess with his formula for the sake of nicer craft services or a bigger trailer Asked what he would do if offered $100 million to make any film he wanted, he replied, “I’d use it to make 35 movies.” – Brent Lang 2.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://tv.yahoo.com/news/thewraps-inaugural-innovators-list-12-changing-hollywood-140253316.html

London is the New Hollywood

Mixed with the comedic impressions of Rowan Atkinson, and the performances of singers, and a ‘flying Queen’, the Olympics opening was the beginning of a new creative era for Britain . This year Warner Bros opened their new £100 million studio in Leavesden and Paramount Entertainment are planning a £2 billion theme park in Kent that will rival EuroDisney. The BFI are also spending £500 million over the next 5 years in the British Film Industry supporting feature films and local projects.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://filmindustrynetwork.co.uk/london-is-the-new-hollywood/2248

AVENTINE Hollywood… Destination Delicious! (Photos)

Watch the sun set from the Grey Whale

When I was told I had to try Aventine Hollywood’s house made meatballs, I knew I had to go with it. I will be completely honest… I don’t like meatballs, I never have. I wouldn’t even eat them in Italy.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.examiner.com/review/aventine-hollywood-destination-delicious